Done Rite Hauling is an environmentally conscious junk removal and hauling business. For that reason, we practice the use of recycling at every opportunity that we can. Not only does recycling help to keep our planet safe, it is a great way to create much needed jobs. Recycling is a process that makes it possible to create new items from old and previously used materials.
Another benefit of recycling goods is the reduction of energy. It cuts down on useless waste. Landfills in our country are quickly getting overloaded and recycling is a powerful way to lessen the loads of trash at local dumps. Waste materials can be converted into new materials, thus helping to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Some basic materials that can be recycled include paper, metal, wood, glass and even rubber tires. Our junk removal teams distribute all potential recyclable items to plants that are educated in recycling. We don’t pretend to know the exact details of how the process works but we do know that those recycling professionals will implement the proper ways of bringing life back to old materials, which all is a benefit to planet Earth. So, for each junk removal and cleanout project that our company pros work on, everything that can be deemed as fit to be recycled, will be turned over to the recycling experts.
As a junk removal and hauling company, we take pride in serving the public with junk removal, cleanouts and hauling services. That’s why it is our belief that recycling is the responsible thing to do.